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What is Windswept Legs?

Windswept legs is a combination of bowed legs and knock knees; a knee on one leg tilts inward while the other bows outward. Windswept legs occurs when the growth plates near the knees slow down or stop making new bone while the growth plate near the other knee continues to grow normally, giving a “windswept” appearance to the legs.

What issues do children with windswept legs face?


Windswept deformity causes persistent pain in the hips, knees, and ankles because of abnormal joint stress.


Children often experience discrimination, leading to poor self-confidence and isolation.


Lack of mobility makes it hard for children to participate in community life, play with friends, or even consistently attend school.

How does surgery change a
child’s life?

  • Legs straighten and can grow normally
  • Children experience hope as they are accepted into community life
  • Mobility improves so children can run, play, and walk pain free, completing school, which leads to more opportunities

Miracles happen every day at CURE Kenya

How Maryanne overcame windswept condition

When Maryanne’s legs began to bend sideways as a toddler, she came to CURE Kenya for several successful surgeries. When her condition returned, CURE was there to provide the emotional and physical support she needs on her healing journey.

Contact Us

CURE Kenya’s mission is to provide every child living with a disability the physical, emotional, and spiritual care they need to heal. If you have questions about becoming a patient or a partner with CURE, please contact us.

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